What is an Artistic Composition?
Plainly it is a feel for an art form that no matter how you look at it or listen to it, makes you feel good or comfortable. It just fits, feels right. Artistic Composition for instance in a Painting creates a specific set of intuitive elements that make it feel right for a viewer. These are proportions, balance, weight, colors, subject matter, perspective or lack of, style, patterns, etc.
When you like a Painting try this trick:
Look at it with slightly closed eyes, so you see no detail and almost all in a gray scale. Then turn the painting upside down and view it same way. If balance, harmony and and all other feelings flow same then the Painting has the positive Artistic Composition. Art is about a feel. Many artists paint intuitively. Many know the principles and make sure to keep that balance so the expression they try to portray reaches a viewer. This feel applies to most of the art forms. With music you can not turn it upside down, but harmonies, balance, style, consistency of musical elements and an intuitive “structure” make a good song. Most of the musicians know that by heart, instinctively, often do not think about all that and create beautiful songs intuitively.
So how do you know???
So how do you know when you create a song it will be nice, feel good, touch the soul one way or the other, tell the story…how? Again the song has to have this Artistic Composition. To achieve that you have to realize whether you have that in you or you need some theory behind…or may be it is not your deal. Create a song concept. I call a “sketch” of a song. This initial design is most important. Think about its Artistic Composition… Then step back and listen to a “sketch”. Imagine does it feel right? Take for instance Mozart, he had to hear in his head all the instruments as an Artistic Composition in general, what he wanted to achieve-a “sketch”. Then he would write the notes, play each line, add instruments, melodies, etc, etc what a guy! Can you imagine the talent???!!! And he did not have an ability to record the tracks…How did he do it??? So this sketch of a song is an idea, which you then develop in to a detail.
Try to create an Artistic Composition and see how it feels…You may discover you have a knack for it