Get To Know Talented and Passionate Songwriters
Artecki Studio presents Song Writers and an Alter Ego, a cartoon Charcter, basically three middle-aged guys: Tom (Stage name-Anthony Thomas), Mark (Stage name-Mark Artecki) and Radko (a Cartoon Character). Radko sometimes seems like someone Tom and Mark secretly would like to be like...may be not. Together, they have spent more than 16 years playing in an amateur Rock and Roll band practicing in the living room and playing for friends.
But these guys are not the only ones.
There is a girl among them: Vivian. She is married to Mark. Sharing this wonderful artistic hobby together. Her Stage name is Vivian Artecki. She produces and edits Videos for Songwriters' Songs.
Being passionate about all aspects of Music, from writing to recording Mark, Tom and Radko form a curious bunch while Vivian makes their music come alive on the silver screen.
Currently, all of the artists have day jobs. This work brings them a lot of stress, and having a platform to write songs and produce videos has become an outlet for creativity, inspiration, and relaxation.
About Radko
Radko is the true leader, but sometimes he seems like an alter ego. Which he really is but none navigating Artecki Studio wants to believe that. Maybe secretly, Like it was mentioned before Mark and Tom, may be would like to be like Radko... Naaaah.
His origins are in Croatia, Poland, and Slovakia. He is a quintessential Slav. Central European to be more precise, and not an Eastern European...oh NO. But now, he is a staunch American. A true Texan Cowboy with a slight New York accent. When he speaks, he does not say much but you get a drift in a jiffy. His lines are short, quick, and straight to the point. You may cringe sometimes but just relax...
Who is Radko?
On some songs, he adds these special narratives. He is not PC. He remembers those who administered real PC on people in re-education camps (gulags). It is because he lived in a reality that a person had no chance to feel free, feel bad, or offended. Life was dealt like a deck of crude cards and chips fell wherever or all over. But now, he is happy living here in the good ol' U.S. of A.
What Makes Radko Fun
We can learn from Radko a lot. We can also learn to say his last name...which is: Szczebrzeszynski. Can you say it right out of the gate? Well, okay, we don’t need to learn that nor remember it. Trying to say it will only cause you nausea or lasting discomfort, not to mention brain "seepage". He does not like to take pictures neither so he will be drawn instead, as a friendly cartoon character. He likes to stay incognito. But you WILL hear him.
About Mark
Originally, his name is spelled Marek, where the "e" is silent, just for kicks. Mark has a gentle smile, one that belies an indomitable spirit. His eyes may come to meet you for a moment and then find an object in the room to rest on: his guitar, bass, drums, or the recording console...
His Passions
When he plays his music, you can see his thoughts churning, framing a response through a myriad of languages. This includes his native tongue, English, Italian..., which attires the rawness of his intellect into an acceptable and appropriate presentation. It is a skill, as much as it is a way-of-being, for someone who has lived, witnessed, and survived a political system where merely the wrong word in a casual joke could enchain you indefinitely in a brig.
He shares his artistic passions with his wife Vivian. They have fun creating songs and videos to hopefully make viewer/listener's moment in time nicer.
His Music
Mark is someone you can easily envy for his prodigious talents. Songwriting is not his chosen profession, but it has chosen him. Songs come magically and instantly through him. With a boyish glee, he pulls them from the top-hat of his imagination, one ingeniously crafted song after another, whether it be a whimsical rumination on a pesky mosquito or the sting of life's regrets; a dirge for the loss of a friend or a celebration of life and love.
From silence, he fashions songs that resonate within our lives. The Lyrics are each a story that say so much in such a short capsule of time the song is, while merging with the melody...He writes in different styles but has a passion for Blues...and he interprets this wonderful musical form in an unexpected way. He is a self taught Guitar player, drummer and bass player constantly improving his skill...
On that note, you're invited to let your ears and mind be filled with a new musical experience. One that will inhabit, we hope, a space within your heart.
His Profession
By training and trade, Mark is in Building Industry. He incarnates the ethereal into timber and steel. From empty space, he creates spaces under whose roofs cover the entire scope of human activity and fulfills itself, be it work, play, worship, learning, or simple habitation.
About Tom
Tom or Tommy, as often he is called by his friends, but he prefers to be called by his stage name Anthony Thomas. He is an American of Italian origin, hence the love for music or art in general. He always has it in his blood. But what is his last name? It's not Italian, but in fact it is Austrian.
Tommy’s Origins
His ancestry came from the part of Italy that for many years was under Austrian rule. So may be some Austrian dude, in one of the super nice, warm Italian town... he was may be a soldier who might have said: “f... it, I’m too hot in this fancy uniform, I'm gonna stay here and find a nice place, in this warm weather.” Then he found a cute gal, got married, produced a string of Austrian / Italian boys, girls, and so on and so on...
Now, we have Tommy among us, and his Italian gene has now blossomed through his great Songwriting.
As a Song Writer-Musician
Tom is a guitar virtuoso. He can work his fingers over a fretboard like Fred Astaire feet on the dance floor. He can expertly move his fingers so fast that they become a blur. When he plays his guitar, it sounds alive, like some divine creature singing, talking, quarreling, chastising, loving, and aching. He has been formally educated to play the guitar and it shows.
Songwriting Sessions
With Tommy
There are sessions when he writes songs and Tom, being inspired, just wanders away from our world and continuously plays his instruments. An hour can pass and he still continues playing, consumed by the feeling or the space he passes through. Like traveling the universe between planets or galaxies, hopefully, to return home. What a guy!
Tommy’s Lyrics
The things Tommy writes are very interesting and detailed. It reads like a novel. He writes engaging lyrics so that you need to delve into some of them to experience the power of his words and his mindset. On the surface, the melodies that Tom creates are simple, but at the same time complex. Once you get under the skin of his songs you experience another world. He can improvise his lead guitar parts on the spot to emphasize a particular lyric or feeling in the moment. Check out Tom's songs, you will be inspired!
“…And the God created a Girl…”
During the usual work day she is a busy in her professional day job. The work is stressful at times. To decompress she creates videos for songs created by Mark and Tom at Artecki Studio. She wants these videos to be a metaphoric reflection of the lyrics. You should see when she is in her most creative, immersed in lyrics and melodies, interpreting the mood in a short movie. It is a tall order but she does really great!
She is a very talented Music Video Producer, Editor, Photographer and Filmmaker. All Songs presented at Artecki Studio are created by her. She learnt all this by herself, diligently studying software and equipment.
Though small in stature she commands the Video Production with ease and determination, while making the participants follow the script, at ease and having fun. A true leader and…cute as a bug at the same time. She often says that Video Production is her part time job. Together with her husband Mark they are a passionate duo that share a wonderful hobby making the world prettier.
In her green house she has a large collection of Orchids that sometimes have blossomed, which is a rare treat. These flowers inspire her to create fantastic images and films forming part of the Song Writing Collections. You can see a lot of flowers in her videos. These flowers are her other passion. She sees them grow, blossom, have wonderful colors… a Devine creation of nature.
In her Videos Vivian wants to reach a viewer with impressions of the moment expressed by words or a sentence being sung. These moments not only feel great but evoke a smile or maybe engage viewer’s imagination further to enjoy the art that adds a different dimension to the song.
That is why, as the proverb tells:
“The girls are all sugar and spice, and everything nice”.

Song Writers Dynamic
Artists at Artecki Studio have a good time creating great songs, either together or alone. This allows them to decompress from work and just enjoy each other's company, which matters the most. We hope that their art will make some people happy and put smiles on their faces, as well as enrich their lives.
The recording quality is similar to what is out there on the market, at least, we humbly think so. In just a year, we became quite proficient with the recording software and the process. Mixing is fun for us, especially when the song gets mastered. We feel like kids in a candy store listening over and over to our creations.
We are fortunate to have a stage for the band that sits at the side of the daily routine office. At the time of a "significant" change, the stage quickly turned into a recording studio with a big-screen computer, a DAW, a collection of instruments, various recording gadgets, etc. This space looks awesome and allows us to record our songs on our own time and without pressure.
We thank you for giving our Music a chance. Learn more about our Craft by getting in touch with us today. We hope to hear from you soon!